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It depends how many Dark Magic users are in your party.
11/20/2013, 16:20:17

    Peter2 writes:

    I always have at least 2 and usually 3, so I don't get beaten on by Terminators for 3 rounds. At the very most it's 2, and if my spellcasters are really fast, I can get 3 Shrapmetal blasts in before the Terminator has his attack. And if that happens, the Terminator gets terminated!

    Even if it does manage to get an attack in, it doesn't always go with its special "Eradicate" blast, and if it does, the attack doesn't always get through. In addition, I try and attack from the side where the body of my opponent is between my party and the rest of the robots, so that the one I'm assaulting shields me from most of the rest.

    Doing it that way, my party is very seldom badly hurt, and in the games I play now, I routinely clear that room as soon as I come to it.

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