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As you found out, . . .
10/19/2013, 18:57:29

    Peter2 writes:

    . . . it's biased towards the lower end, but within that, it's completely random. In the early days, there were all sorts of claims to have found patterns in Enchant Item, based on skill in Water, time of day, day of the week, week of the month, phase of the moon, and all sorts of things, but none of them stood up to closer examination and testing.

    You do occasionally get a decent item, but it's extremely rare, and in MM6, I don't think I've ever got a really top-class enchantment. I did in one of the other games - MM9 I think - but not this one. Enchanting items to use are only of value in the very early stages, e.g. to convert an unenchanted bow into one that also gives minor magic damage. In the later game, it's only useful to increase the value of items you want to sell. As soon as you begin to be able to kill high-tariff monsters, you're better off mephistoing their cadavers to get top-class items.

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