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MMIX rebirth
01/31/2019, 16:25:26">David writes:

    I am working on remaking MMIX. I want to make the game the way it was intended, I was told by Tim Lang to ask for Bones, I have been doing some research on it and Tim said this is the best place to get help. Any information would be nice. Thanks

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Hi David, and welcome. Best regards to Tim....
01/31/2019, 23:01:30

    Bones writes:

    Well, where should I begin.

    Have you read the short write-up I did at our MM9 site? It's at the link below. MM9 was a sad finale to the pioneering work of 3DO. We (I) did some preliminary work on expanding on MM9 but the game never developed a strong enough fan base to justify the effort.

    Our patch made the game playable, but it doesn't work on the GOG version. Gog assembled a version of the game using a different version of the game engine and some other resources. We obliquely invited them to use our work but they never even contacted us.

    I need to know what you want to do. It would be a great help for today's players to adapt our 1.3 patch to work on the GOG version. That shouldn't take a lot of work and it would give you a good start understanding how the game is structured.

    Graphically, Legends of Might & Magic (LOMM) and MM9 are very similar. There have been some efforts modifying LoMM to work on a later version of the Lithtech game engine. I've no idea what it would take to adapt MM9 but that might be something you're interested in looking into.

    We have had previous discussions in this Tavern with folks wanting to tinker with the game. Use the 'Find' function at the top of this board to search for 'Lithtech' over the past 30,000 days. Read the full content of the threads that come up -- not just the selected posts. Think about what you want to work on and write back. It's an engaging hobby but there's a steep learning curve.

    Related link:

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I don't have the skills to help you with any coding, but I can at least wish you well in the endeavour.
02/01/2019, 16:00:13

    Peter2 writes:

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02/01/2019, 17:22:59">David writes:

    I've read the short write up as suggested. Are you sure that gog didn't respond to you, because I have a copy and it has the Telp watermark and patch number, so they must have used your stuff. I cant help with the 1.3 patch right now because what I want to do is remake the game in the unreal engine, not Lithtech. I figure that a way to get MMIX more popular would be to bring it up to date, I want to make the game as it was intended, fixing multiple issues and possibly adding some new things. I had the idea of changing the ending of the game since a lot of fans complained about the idea of flipping g a switch to finish the game. I want to make every NPC and blank building to be more useful. I have the ideas rolling through my head I just need to find a place to start, Tim said I should try to find a lithtech unpacked so I could just move the files over to unreal and just edit them from there but none of the options we had worked. Speaking of Tim, he says he will probably be sending you some messages about Aeolwyn's Legacy soon, he also wants your email because he lost it. If you could help me that would be great.

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It's nice to know that GOG used some of our stuff....
02/02/2019, 00:09:45

    Bones writes:

    Now I'm curious to know how much. Not curious enough to actualy do anything about it, though.

    You want to get a copy of WinrRez. That's the utility to unpack REZ files -- the Lithtech resources. It's still being maintained and is widely available. Ask Google.

    You'll have to write an engine to run the RUDE dialogue system. That should be pretty straightforward. You'll need to re-script everything, of course. The MM9 scripting language isn't hard to follow. Let me know if you have any questions.

    The old address I have for Tim no longer works. Have him write me at and I'll reply from my personal address.

    Your email address is being displayed in your massages as "". I'm guessing that there's a 'd' in the front and no space at the end. Is that correct?

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Yes that is correct...
02/02/2019, 01:34:16

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