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Just slightly off topic
10/12/2017, 17:46:03

    The Elf Herself writes:

    Hello, all! Yes, I'm still vertical, not yet horizontal.

    For those of us who remember early Jon van Canegham with great fondness, there's a fairly new game out that might please. It's called Heroes of a Blighted Land, and is very reminiscent of the original King's Bounty, the one by JVC, not the present-day adventure/RPG. For those of you who don't go back that far, King's Bounty was IIRC, Jon's first foray into pc gaming. (Heroes of Might & Magic are direct descendants of KB.) The graphics are purposely orthogonal and pixilated, but are still quite good. In HoBL, as in KB, you create a party, improve your home "castle" to include various guilds, trainers, shops, etc. You then explore the wide world, doing a few quests here and there, and destroying various baddies roaming the countryside. Unfortunately it's on Steam, but good heavens, what isn't these days?!

    Having completed MM10 every which way from Sunday, I was feeling nostalgic for old-school RPG's and, what would you call Heroes of M&M, exploration/adventure/RPG? It isn't a 4X, since you're not X-ploiting any hapless competitors.

    Best to all,
    Elderly Elf

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Hi Elf, good to hear from you!
10/15/2017, 05:10:38

    Peter2 writes:

    I have at last decided to retire, and there's a long list of games backed up that I want to have a go at. I haven't yet played MM1 or MM2, nor have I played BDJ's mods of MM6 and MM7. I haven't played MM10 either and I'd be very interested in hearing more detailed comments from you.

    I never played King's Bounty, but I did have a go at the HoMM games and didn't like them. I had two reasons for that, the combat was much too stylised with a very limited role for character movement, and I very much prefer the 1st person view during exploration and combat.

    The old games I did like in addition to the early MMs were the Eye of the Beholder series.

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MM2 was decent
10/17/2017, 06:35:39

    Ossie writes:

    The first MM I played, before the internet so I had to work everything out. The larger encounters are somewhat tedious but if you're of the "go everywhere/kill everything/find everything" philosophy this hardly matters. Overall gameplay was a reasonable mix of pure puzzles & meta-game thinking to take advantage of game mechanics (such as at least one promo quest). Took me about 2-3 months of solid play during a non-working period of life (again, this was without any internet help, I didn't even know a single other person who had ever played it)

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