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Party Formation (first rank etc)
07/27/2015, 16:43:05

    ray777 writes:

    Cant find any information about this. Seems you can change the formation of the party, having fighters upfront and casters at the back seems the logical choice but i dont understand what is actually happening. Nothing in the manual about it or that i can find on here either.

    Does it change the likelihood of melee attacks or confer bonuses/penalties depending on where you are in the formation grid. Or is it (as i suspect) not actually implemented at all.

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Pressing "F" should get you to the party formation screen
07/28/2015, 17:11:16

    Peter2 writes:

    The positions of the characters on the screen don't change, but I understand that it affects who gets hit first and how hard, so you can put your tougher (or less valuable!) characters in the front row.

    Good luck, and I'm delighted you got it working.

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Thanks Peter
07/30/2015, 09:45:29

    ray777 writes:

    That clears it up, i was just curious if there was any specific values (like increased AC or something) because I'm a stickler for details, but thats enough to do the job Was rather disappointed that the hirelings have no inventory but more so that no stats are visible at all. I assume they level in the background but perhaps not. Think i wont hire anymore than Forad.

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You might well need to rethink that.
07/31/2015, 04:55:54

    Peter2 writes:

    There is one character late on in the game that you have to hire, but I won't spoil.

    Also, you run out of money towards the end of the game, especially if you take your characters' Learning abilities up as far as they will go. To compensate for this, visit the Bank in Drangheim, and hire the banker NPC. The deposit your money, and take it out again, and you will find that you've suddenly got a lot of interest. Repeat as required, then go and level up. I don't know whether this is a bug or not, but judging from the amount of money that levelling up requires at the end of the game, IMHO there is at least a possibility that it may be a genuine game feature.

    Then dismiss the Banker until next time you need her. If for some reason she vanishes (it can happen), merely leave Drangheim City, save your game, and exit the game. Then use Explorer to go to the game files, find the "Minisaves" folder, and delete all files that start with "Drangheimcity". Then boot up the game again, load your savegame, re-enter the city, and the Banker will be back in the Bank — what you've done is force the aera to respawn. As a bonus, the two clovers that give you skill points will have respawned, too.

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I have hired her once,but now decided not to exploit it
12/13/2015, 16:39:31

    Krshna das writes:

    because it makes the game easier
    I think the design is -she gives bonus on money found,
    but some unfinished program gives withdrawn from bank money interest too .

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Yes, that's right, it does.
01/22/2016, 19:43:30

    Peter2 writes:

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