Original Message: MM9 enchanting items and stuff |
Hello, I'm currently replaying this game and got some questions.
Anyone knows if it's possible to get Master's or Grandmaster's enchant type on armor by casting the spell? So far I managed only to get +5AC/+10AC bonuses but want to craft some GMs Imperial Harness for my paladin. The other thing is - most of the items seem to have *preset* possible enchant results for weapon, tested it, using QSave/QLoad, on Thjoradric Arbalest and 99% of the times I did get Dragon Slaying/Permanence/Vital Force/Brutes enchantment. However it was still possible to get other result, they were just extremely rare. Other weapons are affected too - Storm Axe likes to get Polka/Grandmaster bonus and Throwing Axe - some minor magic or weapon recovery boosts. Also do Dark Plate give any temporary/permanent penalty? Looted one and according to it's description I wouldn't want to test it out myself just to find out that my hero lost most, if not all, of his combat abilities in some distant future. |