Original Message:   Slow interface change
Hi guys, I am playing the game on Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or 3 – can’t remember), patched to 1.3a and with Mok's RUDE.REZ, with graphics and sound cards that were reasonably new at the time the game was released (although much older now!). I am experiencing loooooooooooooong delays any time I change the interface, so opening inventory, checking maps, quest log etc, and also when opening chests or even picking up the treasure bags that monsters drop when they die. Load times between areas (town & wilderness, dungeons etc) are slow-ish but seem more reasonable. No problem with actually walking around in an area. Any tips? Would Mok's .dll help?

Also, the first door on the left you come to in the Drangheim prison (from the main entrance, not the ones in the little village near the windmill) is closed and has that “rattling” effect when I try to open it, but I can’t get in. Wizard Eye appears to show one single creature behind it. Any tips for getting in?

Also, does anyone know how high your Disarm skill needs to be to open the Black Chest in the prison? (the one in the guard sergeant’s room).

Thanks all in advance

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