Original Message:   Loading screen fix
This is only a partial fix, it doesnt keep the loading screen from hanging, but it DOES allow you to alt tab back into the game without getting that blank screen with blue borders problem 95% of the time.

1: Turn off anti aliasing in your display driver settings if you can. (Not super important just helps a little)

2: Turn off "optimize surfaces" and "trilinear" in the video options of the game (important)

3: Right click > properties > compatibility > disable desktop composition. Do this on your shortcuts and the exe file. (important)

4: Change your desktop resolution to 800x600 while playing the game. This is the res the game plays in. (important)

The alt tab fix should now work properly without giving you blue borders blank screen issues. It still sucks compared to not having the load screen problem at all, but it at least makes playing bearable. If you have a fast computer its hardly even noticeable really.

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