Original Message:   I've experienced this before, but not in this game
The only time I could not load my savegame was when suddenly all my savegames went to read-only. (And I still don't know why.) That was when I was playing MM7, IIRC.

I don't know what's happened to yours, but that's certainly worth checking. If it's not that, then I recommend searching the tavern for any reference to savegame (or saved game).

But a few odd things have happened to me in these games. I had a time when playing MM8 that I could not get my necros to learn Alchemy unless I gave it to them when the characters were created. I tried reinstalling the game, and everything else I could think of. This went on for a couple of years. Then, suddenly I was able to get it for them again. I have no idea what went wrong originally, or what went right in the end.

The only conclusion that I can come to is that "Murphy lives." Strange things, computers.

Murphy's Laws 1. If in any given situation, anything can go wrong, it will.

2. If in any given situation, any one thing goes wrong, everything else goes wrong, too.

3. No matter how strange the outcome of any given situation might be, you can always find some clever b****r who knew it would.

Not forgetting Stevenson's corollary to Murphy's Law:

When Murphy's Law causes something to go wrong, it goes wrong in absolutely and totally the worst way possible. Another way of putting this is to say "Murphy was an optimist".

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