Original Message:   There are some bugs in the other MM games, but nothing like as bad as MM9.
The history of the MM6 bugs is quite complex, but to play the most bug-free version, you need to patch it to v1.2 and then apply Mok's MM6 patch.

There is only one bad bug in MM7, and that is the Lich Jar/Soul Jar bug. It can be cured by applying the v1.1 patch BEFORE you do these quests. Once the bug strikes, the only way to get round the effects is to edit your savegame. (I can give you details if you need them.) If you want to play the game using the WinXP operating system, you should also apply Mok's MM7 patch.

TTBOMK, MM8 is pretty well bug-free (certainly there are no major bugs) and no official patches were ever issued. However, if you want to play it on a WinXP-based system, odds are you'll again need Mok's MM8 patch.

MM9 was never totally cured. The best way, as Zedd says, is to apply the latest official patch and TELP's unofficial patch as well. Even so, we can't guarantee that you'll be able to finish the game without consulting a walk-through. This is a great pity, because IMO this could have been a great game. The AI system that handles the combat is one of the best I've ever met.

Get back to us if you need more help.

BDJ (Big Daddy Jim) and his co-workers have made two superb mods, one for MM7 and one for MM6. The MM6 one goes under the title of the The Chaos Conspiracy (TCC). It's not quite finished yet, but hopefully the last bits will be done round about Christmas. I've not played either of them yet, but I've seen very good reports from people whose opinions I trust. Of the regular posters here, Zedd probably knows more about them than anybody.


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