Original Message: Modding the game |
Okay, I'm going to ask this openly before I try any funny stuff with the .rez files, since I know there are people here with more insight than myself. How possible would it be to import creature models from Legends of Might and Magic into MM9? Both games run on the very same LithTech engine (there are even some junk files and textures from LoMM abandoned in MM9's data). The creatures were obviously created with the same polycounts and formats. Now what I'd like to know: is it possible. Are the tools to do this out there? Can new models be successfully imported into MM9? I've had some cryptic responses in the past, so I don't expect a direct "yes, this is how you do it", but has anyone had experience in this sort of thing? As for my motives, well, I just want to expand the bestiary. |