Original Message:   The LithTech2 tools are still available...
...you just have to look for then.. Google provided the link below. I checked and they are there.

No, the real problem will be getting the tools to make new objects and terrain. Export plug-ins for LT2 were only made for certain versions of 3D graphics programs. For example, you'd have to find a copy of Maya 4.5, and then you'd have to find the plug-in. Sure, I could post them -- in violation of copyright laws -- but, frankly, no one else has ever gotten far enough in modding MM9 to need them.

But MM9 was made so it would be possible for fans could mod it, and the developers were quite helpful in that regard. If you want to play around with it, download the tools and try to get them to work. That will be your next test.

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