Original Message:   I had no idea. :)
About the LBs, that is... That`s how much those meant after all, eh!

As for the Druid, I like playing them, and often include them. In this all magic-user party game, however, I developed the characters with a heavy emphasis on magic skills, as I intended to find out why some people are so fond of spellcasters. You could sum up my attempt like this: Utter failure...

I like the utility spells, always did and probably always will do, but as for using attack spells, I simply don`t seem to be able to learn to love them.

The only one useful thing I got out of that game was a complete shakedown of all the spells and how the different skills, skill levels and degerees of skill mastery works for each fourty-eight of them.

When I get around to it, I`ll publish the results.

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