Original Message:   Carnations! Brilliant!
rofl good onya

Njam is currently stalking me in the Thousand Terrors, where I am, coincidentally, a bit lost (how embarrassing).

The team can take quite a bit of punishment from him tho, as their stats are outrageously high for a game which advocates one will finish around level 35. So they just hop up on a coffin or statue and take turns whacking at him until he teleports away. He's not the brightest of Gods.

Just finished the maze and took something from the center chest but I'm stuffed to know what it was - and now I'm sitting in this big room not really sure in which direction to go next. flamestryke's walkthrou has left me befuddled as it's all done in levels, but the instructions for traversing the levels are fuzzy and I'm not at all certain where I am in relation to where it is I'm supposed to go - hahaha

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