Original Message:   So I should just sell off my wand collection then - heh - there's a fair bit of change :)
Spell damage: Yes, the actual hit-him-with-this-blow stats I see on my screen - albeit they often scroll by too fast for me to digest (I'm a beat-it-'til-it's-dead-then-move-on kinda girl so I never used turn-base if i can get away with it). However, those hits could be anywhere in a damge range.

There's no way to quietly sit in corner with a brew, assessing and comparing spells then eh? I'll have a sticky beak around the forum, thanks for that.

Wands: Somewhere in the early days, I had one wand of poison, used it up and placed it in inventory. It was broken during the next battle and I repaired it without thinking - the charges returned to 30. That happened once but never again.

Note: The chest-cheat on the Isle of Ashes keeps on working each time you go back. It's all low-level loot, but what the heck

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