Hey guys. I stumbled upon this site while looking up info about Might and Magic 9. I noticed you're having trouble setting up the next patch in the game. My friend and I have been looking around for some programs to mess around with lately, and I thought this might be a great project for us to work on. The both of us could really use some more references and such in our resumes. I understand that Bones isn't up for explaining stuff to people who would like to help out, but to the best of my knowledge, you've been helping out random fans instead of programmers. I currently have 4+ years of C# behind me, 2 years of Java, and have recently been getting into C++ and Python; my friend has 2+ years of C# and (A banned word in your forum) development, 3+ years of web development (XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL), has recently been getting into C++ and is very comfortable with Linux. If you are willing to give us an idea of what sort of stuff we'll be working on, and what tools we'd be using, we may be able to help you finish that next patch. Anyways, please email me back at LourveStruck@hotmail.com (or feel free to add me on msn). Thanks.