Original Message:   Congratulations! :)
Yes, the development team didn't have nearly enough time to get the game into proper shape. Such a pity, it had the potential to be a really superb game.

GM learning isn't bugged as such, but IMO it's broken. There's far too big a gap between GM and Mastery.

No, there's no Arcomage in MM6; that was introduced in MM7. But the majority opinion is that MM6 is the most enjoyable of the 3rd generation Might & Magic games. (The dominant minority opinion is that MM7 is the best. I can see what they're getting at, but personally, I'm not particularly fond of MM7. My beef with it is that no party can have simultaneous access to Light and Dark magic, and I find that a huge turn-off.)

MM8 is fairly similar to MM7, but is smaller. However, you can have Dark and Light magic users in the same party in this game.

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