Original Message:   That was the way I did it.
Equip your fastest fighter with the biggest weapon in your armoury, hit, sidestep and turn. Dran usually steps in front of you, so hit again while he's facing sideways, and as soon as he turns to face you, sidestep and turn again. And keep on doing that. Ignore the rest of the party.

BTW, what was your preferred party in those games? Mine was usually Ranger, Cleric, Mage, and a Fighter/Cleric/Mage. I used to start the party in EOB1, because there were some magnificent weapons and armour in that game and you could import your party into successive games. I remember a +5 longsword in EOB1, and a +5 cloak for the mage. I think there was also a halberd (+3?) which was useful for the back rank in EOB3. You didn't need a thief in EOB1 or EOB3, so I always took on the mage/thief Amber in EOB2. My other NPC there was usually Calandra. I tried the other NPCs, but they weren't as good, IMO.

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