Original Message:   Basic rundown on promotions...
I'll try to be brief here, and you may know some of this but it bears repeating because there may be some who don't know. Ok, so the promo trees look something like this: Fighter becomes Crusader or Mercenary Crusader becomes Paladin or Ranger Mercenary becomes Gladiator or Assassin OR Initiate becomes Healer or Scholar Healer becomes Druid or Priest Scholar becomes Lich or Mage

Now, as it's been said, the only two promos you have to fully complete to get the xp from them are Priest and Lich. You will have no problem here as you are including both in your party. The key thing to remember about promos in this game (the key difference between 9 and the other games) is the nomination screen. You only get one shot at nominating party members and you must nominate every member you want promoted at the same time - there is no going back. This does however work in your favour at times as well. You asked about which order to do the quests so that you could get xp for all of them. The answer is, it doesn't matter. All you have to do is make sure that for the promotions you don't want, don't nominate anyone. All you have to do is accept the quest and do it, nominations are not required. In fact, since you are focusing on only one side of the promo tree (as discussed above), it won't matter much anyway, because there are some promos you can't nominate yourself for anyway. So basically, you can go in any order you want, just be careful with the nominations. Good luck! HTH, Maybeth

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