Original Message: That one's got a bone in it. |
MM9 raised some very strong feelings. Even those who liked it (of which I am one) have to admit that it was a very buggy game, which was rushed out before it was properly finished. IMO, it could have been the best M&M yet, the potential was certainly there. But it really did need the rough edges smoothing off, and this was never done. Bones and a few others did their best, but it really needed some changes in the actual game engine which were beyond anyone without access to the game engine source files. Having said that, I still liked it. The humour is still there - try reading the scrolls and notices posted up in various places. And it has what I rate to be the best combat A.I. I've ever come across. There's a dungeon in there called Chasm of the Dead, which I managed to complete with a level 11 party of 2 fighters and 2 magic users, and which still gave a level 33 party an enjoyable contest. And all this without artificially raising the abilities of monsters as your party's prowess increases - which I have always considered a swindle. All I can say is: Be open-minded when and if you give it a try. You may not like it, but as I say, I enjoyed it. |