Original Message:   Oblivion has it's pros and cons.
Many people just praise the game that Oblivion is the best game of all times, so I just listed some of the cons as a proof that Oblivion is far from perfect. But still it's a great game and a must-have game for any RPG fan. Why you should play it:

* good main storyline with unexpected ending * interesting faction quests - some of them are a bit linked with the main storyline. Especially I liked the Dark Brotherhood quest to return to the prison you escape early on. * lots and lots of smaller quests * exceptionally beautiful graphics - forest, fauna, landscapes, towns. * nice music * player plays as a character that is destined to become a legendary hero * your main enemy boss in the end is one of the mighty Daedra gods. * not bad dungeons. As I said, some of them are really cool. If you're only following the main quest and several subquests, you'll be satisfied. * interesting development of skills - a huge improvement comparing with Morrowind.

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