Original Message:   repost: I liked the 'charge and circle' style of the monsters' attacks....
especially the swooping in of the winged abberations. and loved the effect of 'Turn Undead' in this game, seeing Liches on a full sprint around the room away from you was amusing.

one thing, though, I played the patched version this second time, the first time I played unpatched. this time around, there seem to be a lot of lulls, where a monster would engage you, then eventually back up a few steps and just stand there....providing target practice for my arrows and axes. I had one dragon hammer of fear - so I can understand some paralysis in melee range....but not when the monster backtracked willingly and just stood there.

I had two arbalests of brawlers, so would those arrows make someone freeze?

Programming glitch? Did this happen in the original/unpatched version, or was it only the patched one?

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