Original Message:   Patch ID and other questions.
Thanks I thought that might be the case...but "hopefully" I may not need to reinstall MM9 or MM6/7/8..

My IT expert has an idea.. That I dont understand..in either Finnish or English.

My HD has total of approx 13Gig..It is split into C/D/ and Each a bit more tha 4 gigs.. Win 98 sits on the C drive..all my MM games sit on the D drive... E drive is almost empty..I can remove the bits that are there no big deal....some duplicates of work related stuff.

He says that WIn 98 and ADSL..should work but sometimes for reason Mr Gates has yet to explain..there is sometimes a conflict.

So he suggests putting XP and all internet related stuff onto my empty E drive..MM still works on the C/D drives it is only internet that is screwed, so leave it alone..perhaps remove the old Internet Exp 6.0 to free up some space.

Now come the bit I dont understand..

If I have two operating systems on same PC..one for games the other for Internet...How do I select which one to use when I switch on the PC?

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