Original Message:   Strange bugs in MM9
My brother and I are playing MM9 'together' (in two different states); when we tried this several years ago, he finished but I didn't quite get to because of a hard drive crash. So it's been awhile, but we don't remember encountering some things first time around that we are experiencing now.

1) The training hall will not respawn for me, even though I am 99.9% certain everything has been done - all chests looted, all monsters killed. I can reset it by deleting minisaves, but the barrels don't respawn. Am I missing something?

2) The training hall respawns just fine in my brother's game; he's been through it a number of times. However, he went back to it last night and can't get in. He says he can see the hole but can't enter - no error message or anything, it's just like trying to walk into a wall; nothing happens. He's going to try deleting minisaves and see if that helps but it will be a few days (working overtime.)

3) When my brother went back to Lindisfarne to GM a couple of characters in Meditation, the instructor was nowhere to be found. Hard to pinpoint when he went missing; Brother can find the guy in earlier saved games, he's just not there in more recent saves. There is a character walking around under water that looks like the right one but turns out to be just a peasant. Any ideas?


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