Original Message:   Annoying crashes
I used to play this game a few years ago, without problems...

Now I am using a 6600GT + 1,5Gb RAM and a completely new system, but the game freezes randomly at the loading screens... about 5% of the times, no matter where I am or where I'm going, even with the Town Portal spell the game freezes... 5% may seems too little for some people, but I use TP a lot and I'm being forced to use quicksave everytime I think in exiting/entering somewhere and it's crapping the smoothness of the game... I have the 1.3aTELP patch installed.

The crash happens just in the beggining of the loading screen, the little ship usually does not appear, just the Loading screen. Alt+tab or another Windows' hotkeys doesn't work as well.

Any hint?

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