Original Message:   A few questions and a few comments
Can anyone pls answer these (except ice3 because I dont like wizards.). :p

1) Just finished MM9 again, now it's been a while since I last completed it and to be honest I dont remember the ending but should Tamur Leng still be in my army? Surely we should get the chance to pound him into oblivion?

2) I'm guessing my game became buggy somewhere along the line. My army consisted of a Gladiator (E), Paladin (M), Mage (GM) and Priest (M) all with the learning skill (level in brackets). This is how they finished Gladiator - Level 69 - Exp 2390224 Paladin - Level 72 - Exp 2582924 Mage - Level 100 - Exp 9174780 (But trainable to Level 135) Priest - Level 72 - Exp 2568176

So my question is, surely GM learning can not provide an extra 6.5m extra experience points compared to M learning. Can it? I was just lucky right?

3) Another dodgy happening on my winning certificate said that it only took me 15 days to complete the game. Has anyone else encountered that? Granted I'm pretty good but 15 days. :0)

That will do for the questions. MM9 is such a good game, I would have loved to have seen the NWC team have an extra 6 months to work on it. It could have and would have been so much better.

Two spells I hadnt used on my previous 3 times (I think) I played this game were Fleet Foot and Poison Cloud. I will never make that mistake again. Dragon King, pppfffttt, what a wuss, couldnt handle a bit of poison.

I estimate that the game froze about 120 times, reset the computer about 89 times, deleted saved games about 5 times, but apart from that it was all good.

A few more black chests in the middle part of the game wouldnt have gone astray. No point getting the when you've nearly finished.

So now this year I've finished MM3, WoX, MM6, MM7 and MM9. I am well into MM2 but just have to get motivated again even though it's my favorite, I tried playing MM8 but after playing 6 and 7 in quick succession it was too much of the same thing. Not going to touch MM1 again, it does my head in. So I suppose I'm off to finish MM2 or start MM8 now.

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