Original Message:   Bones, here's a new oddity for you
In the All-Might Game I just finished, I left Arlesgard to do Fre's quest to get the Golden Goose. Since my party was already in or close to level 70 all skills maxed out, I decided to try the Dragon.

I took the boat from Guberland to Lindesfarn, killed the Dragon, and returned to the dock (at Lindesfarn), jumped off the end of the dock in order to get back to Arlesgard City.

Here's the oddity: After jumping off the dock, I was WATER WALKING. I couldn't sink. After a few minutes of wandering around on top of the water, I finally got the idea to press the "C" key. My party immediatly took a dive and they all drowned. I was definitely not swimming, I made sure of that by using the up/down mouselook and all that did was look down at the water or up at the sky.

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