Original Message:   There are two things iīve been thinking, but havnīt asked jet:
1. Does monsters regenerate their hit points: for example iīve been shooting dook, or who is he, in red house, in the middle of Drangheim, and he turned his face to me, but i think i īve been standing so nicely that he couldnīt see me and in this case attack... So it took me an enormous time ammount to kill him shooting this way- i know heīs mighty, but in close combat it doesnīt take long time at all and as some shoots missed him i thought heīs regenerating some way...

2. All skills are promoted till Grand Master level (10 pts), if i continue adding points will it affect skills some way? For example Armsmaster should be affected and Learning i guess also, but whatīs about lets say Merchant and Cudgel?

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