Original Message:   Merchant Skill Bug?
I've recently picked up one of my old saved games and started working through all of the secondary quests I didn't complete (the dragon king, etc.). One of my characters was a mage whome I never had enough money to fully train.

To see how high a level I could get to, I started bumping up his merchant skill. Every time I bumped up his merchant skill, his training became cheaper, as you'd expect.

Then I hit expert merchant level 50. Oops. Training now costs 0gp and I can't train any more. I've got enough experience, but nobody will train me. My other characters are OK.

At the moment, I'm scouring the land for lots and lots of clovers, as it seems to be the only way I'll be able to increase my merchant skill any further and allow me to keep training. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is a workaround?

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