Original Message:   non native English people
(1) i too am both a member of the non-native English people and of the non-native English speakers (2) "fine print" refers to the context the statement was made in, when you follow the thread, it was about achieving a fast schedule first, with the promotion to general town-portal caster being a subordinate issue to that (a later post from me explains that in more detail) (3) since i cannot (others made be able too) fiddle with the text size in the post, not the literal meaning of "fine text" was used but as above said the relevant context, quite a common use of that term hope this clarifies the isuue and (not knowing, which term you prefer): Have a nice day Buenas Dias Bon Giorno Gruezi Guten Tag Laku Noc Buna Ziua Bon Jour .... (excuse any spelling mistakes)

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