Original Message:   Time reset
Sometime between the beginning of the Golden Goose Quest and entering the T100T 2 of my beacons were erased and game time was reset to 0600 1 Jan 521. The only thing I can think of is the battle I got into in the Temple of Honk and all the Spell Reavers that were cast on my party may have messed things up a bit.

Unfortunately, I didn't even notice it until I got the stair key so I have no idea when or how it happened. I wonder if this phenomenum has happened to anyone else.

different subject: The scapr of paper that you find when you get the stair key is, I think, supposed to give you the code to open the door. I happen to know the code, so looking at the paper, you can see than the last line s/b NUMA instead of MUNA. The code, then, will spell NJAM.

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