Original Message:   Possible major spoiler about how to get in the prison
You can just walk in the front door - no need to fight nagates in the basement. Just go in, go up to the guard, and get a visitor's pass. You'll have to lie quite a bit to get it, which is quite amusing. Then just walk in, la-de-da, up to the cook's room. The black chest room is along the way, which is what someone else was talking about. You can basically go anywhere and do anything you want in the prison (so long as you don't attack the guards), including open the black chest and take the contents, (you can even release the cook's brother with no repurcussions). The guards will not become hostile until you release the general. MORE SPOILER ABOUT HOW TO GET OUT AFTER RELEASING THE GENERAL






Once you release him, run like crazy back to the secret passage the cook made, and once you get to the cook, you can walk calmly out the door (but I suggest running) because the news of the general's escape hasn't made it to them. I suggest running, because when you get to the hall going back to the entrance, they will be chasing you and you'll have to run fast past one of the guards guarding the entrance, but when you get the message asking if you want to leave the prison, you're safe. They won't follow you outside.


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