Original Message:   That's difficult.
If you rate it according to its potential, it's a very good game, and I would put it up there just below MM4-5. Even some parts of the implementation are good - I think it has one of the best if not the best monster/combat setups of any of the Might & Magic games. However, it was very buggy, and the rest of the original implementation was very patchy, and in some places was so poor that it drags the game down a long way. In particular, the implementation of the character promotions is simply dire. Get that wrong in any respect, and there's no legitimate way back. That just is not good enough. It's not a game-killing fault, but it's the next thing to it.

Overall, I would rate it as the poorest of the MM games because of this. However, I must emphasize that I still like it. The only really basic grumble that I have about it is the lack of connection with any previous MM (or HoMM) game.

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