Original Message:   Why the change?
Ok, I patched to 1.3a and now my Healer can't enchant anything above Normal quality, and her ability has dropped to only a forty percent chance. Forty percent is exactly half of the eighty percent chance the manual says she should have, and that she did have before the patches. She has 5 points of Spirit Magic training, and the other 3 points come from a belt that raises her Spirit Magic skill by 3 points.

So who changed the enchanting success percentage from 10% per point of Spirit Magic skill like the manual says, to whatever screwed up thing it is now? And why was this change made? Why did someone "fix" something that was not broken? Where can the rules for the new enchanting system be found?

My Healer still has 5 points of Spirit Magic skill, and that should equal a fifty percent chance to enchant an item, but the info on the spell clearly states that she has only a FORTY percent chance!!! That sucks! Where in the manual does it say she should only have a forty percent chance? Is it because she trained to Expert in Spirit Magic? Where does the manual say your chance of success is dependant on your training level?

In general I think patches do more good than harm, but in this case, one of the patches broke my favorite thing in the whole game. I really enjoy finding and enchanting items to see what I can get. Now that has been taken away and ruined for no good reason. Many otherwise good games have been ruined by stupid, brainless decisions made by the devs for no other reason than that their arrogance told them they could screw their user base without consequence. This is clearly such a case.

If it's possible for TELP to restore the enchanting engine to what it was before the patches, meaning to what it is supposed to be according to the manual, then I implore you to do so. Do it now. Don't wait. Enchanting is one of the features that drew rave reviews when it first appeared, and is still something that sets the MM series apart from the crowd. Please return the enchanting system to what it was supposed to be.



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