Original Message:   Replay MM9 - different flavors with different parties
1. If your Lich had GM Learning, he should have reached 100 before anyone else reached 60. 2. Always use a Priest. Need his GM Heal and his early Town Portal and Lloyd's Beacon. Give him all the Clovers. 3. My favorite fighter is the Gladiator - he promotes early and can get an Artifact Spear early. 4. Paladin and Assassin are almost as good. Paladin can specialize in Cudgel to use Artifact Club from Tunnel. Assassin can use Artifact Dagger from Kluso's House. 4. Druid is weakest character; Ranger is weakest fighter, not much help in viscious melees at end of game. 5. Mage is almost as good as Lich but promotion quest seems harder. 6. My favorite team: GPML.

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