Original Message:   answer (spoiler?)
Basically, this is a guessing game. Think of it as if the dealer (if there was one) has the stones in the back covered up so you can't see the colors. You are supposed to guess which stone in the back is which color. You do it by pointing to a colored stone and then to the stone you think is that color. When you've pointed to all the stones in the back, you press the lever. Any stones you have the correct color will flame. Hold these (if any) and choose other colors for the ones which are incorrect, and press the lever again. I think you get three (maybe four) chances. Everytime you play a new game the sequence of colors for the "hidden" stones changes.

I found the easiest way to keep track of what I'd picked was to write down the colors in the order I chose them. Then I didn't accidentally pick the same color again for the same stone. It could still take a few tries.

I'm also not sure if a color can be repeated in the back row.


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