Original Message:   party versus individual spells
thanks! maybe it's my personalized setup but i use the mouse buttons for aiming/attacking/casting/opening chests, so i can't r/click on portraits.

however, i think my mistake is that i assumed Bless was a full party spell, and couldn't understand why an icon didn't show up on the main screen. when it's cast, there's a pale greenish animation waving over every character's ingame portrait, which would indicate everyone in the party is getting Blessed. but calling up Z, only the caster is Blessed. so, which is right? Z? or casting animation? *a tad confused*

but the same thing happens with Feather Fall. everyone gets the animation, but when i jump using it, everyone except the caster takes damage on the fall. however, to Feather Fall's credit, i do get a little feather in the upper right corner for a few brief seconds, which would seem to me to indicate it is a party spell, right?

then again, maybe my casters are just lame. or just inexperienced. they've reached character level 7 and are nearing casting level 4, but haven't trained to "expert" level. would that account for inconsistencies in their abilities?

forgive me if i seem like i'm making a big deal over it. i'm used to the old MM6/7/8 interface, and MM9 is easily confuzzling me.

thanks for any clarification anyone can give me about this.


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