Original Message:   YOU'RE the Best!!!
I want to second the original sentiment.

You, one person, have taken on the task of making this game better, while the company that made it seemed to be interested in nothing except making a fast buck.

Of all the gamers I have known, and of all the lovers of games I have known, you truely are the best. What you are doing is simply unheard of in the world of big business gaming. You make us all feel humble to rea;ize that someone actually had the stuff necessary to take this on when the people who made it stoped caring. (And yes, I know there are some other good guys out there as well, but we probably dont tell you this enough- YOU ARE THE MAN.

I intend to toast you with a drink later and if you are ever in Bridgeport West Virginia let me know and the drinks for you will be all on the house.

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