Original Message:   Merrry Christman: and about the games viewpoint
Merry Christman everybody. This is by far the best researched and most polite and friendly board on the net. Bar None. And I suspect that is largel due to Bones and his merry band of regular helpers and contributors.

About the viewpoint, I gre up on the games where you alsways saw theough the charscters eyes and they were always looking straignt ahea unless you hit a specific key to make them look down, or up, or even sideways. Games like Wizardry and Might and Magic, until it reached game 9.

I too have had the experience of suddenly staring at the ground or the sky without meaning to because the games just seems to wheel around as it likes. Like many of you a remaped my keyboard to make it more like the older games but that only recently worked.

There was a city in an early games (III or IV) that had a city it in named Vertigon.

Great name for a city, not a great feeling to get from playing a game. If the view point could just be locked stright ahead except when you actively changed it there would be a transfermation of the entire game. Swinging madly about has never been part of an MM game and having it happen so much in game 9 was one of the reasons it just did not totally feel like a Might anf Magic game.

Merry Christmas and peaece to the worls-not a political statement by the way because I wish peace for everyone.

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