Original Message:   The way it is supposed to work IS 5x, rather than 3x, it's just where the multiplier goes
Okay, learning is supposed to work this way (see MM7, for instance).

LS = learning skill level

XP = none: 1 * raw XP normal: (1 + 0.09 + LS*1) * raw XP expert: (1 + 0.09 + LS*2) * raw XP master: (1 + 0.09 + LS*3) * raw XP GM: (1 + 0.09 + LS*5) * raw XP

The first three (normal, expert and master work correctly [as in MM7]), but GM works something like

GM: (1 + 0.09 + LS)*5 * raw XP

In other words, the right parenthesis got moved over two characters in the formula. This obviously smacks of a bug that's really just a typo.

So again, with GM you DO get a big bonus, even the "correct" way, it's just not a ludicrous bonus.

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