Original Message:   Re: Game is hanging more and more and more lately....
I looked back about a year in the Tavern and found a few posts about this, but no real conclusive answers. My problem is that the more I play the game, the more it hangs up at the load screen. It happens the most when transitioning from one area to the next (a dungeon to the outside, or outside to a town, etc). I think it has even happened once or twice when first starting the game. As I said, the problem is getting worse. It used to happen only occasionally, now it's about every other time. I'm getting tired of ALT-CRTL-DEL and restarting.... has anyone had any luck resolving this? BTW, I am not running anything else except this game, including virus scanners. Thanks a bunch.

PS- Tired to make a TELP donation via your service--- and could not complete the transaction for some reason. Anywhere I can mail a check??

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