Original Message:   A bit of news
David Botan, former level designer at New World Computing, posted some news about the situation of the company at the Round Table board on ForumPlanet. the latest from NWC is that JVC is shutting down the office in Solvang on July 18th, which means that former employees will not be able to hang out there anymore, they will have to wait at home. I know that a few more NWC'ers have left (one is comming down to join liquid, that makes 3 NWC'ers at liquid) and one went to texas. From what I heard, Jon is not ready to pay for the Solvang offices, they were leased by 3do and he probably feels theres no point to paying for the lease himself. It'll be interesting to see what happens when someone buys heroes, will they fund jon? or perhaps they will have there own staff? If Jon does get funds how many employees will still be there and how many will be willing to come back? If no one buys, what will the creditors do with it...hopefully not drop it like a hot patato. Its all up in the air.

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