Original Message:   98se or xp best for MM9? Will new patch make a difference on this?
I am one of the last holdouts who is still using windows 98se because it runs all my games so well.

But as new drivers come out for my devices I am starting to realize that soon I am going to have to upgrade to xp.

I know it says on the mm9 box that it runs on both systems, but I do not always trust box stats.

Anyway, my game playing is pretty much on hold while I wait for the new patch. I am playing Morrowind for the second time and it is ok, but not great like might and magic.

Anyway, will I be ok with mm9 if I upgrade bacck to xp or is 98se better for it. The answer to this may well determine whether I upgrade now or later.

My stats at present: Pent 4, 2.5gh 512 mbs of ram Geforce 4 ti card Audigy 2 Sound Blaster.

The system actually came with xp but I took it off and put 98se on so I could replay old games with no hassle. Is it time now to put xp back or not? I am not asking this in general, solely in gaming terms.

Anyones experiences would be appreciated.


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