The MM8 Tavern
Original Message:   Gratitude to Mok
I found this wonderful forum through a link to Gamespot's MM8 forums in which someone inquired about the existence of any official patches for the game. I was a bit nervous about downloading and installing a patch from someone who wasn't a part of the company who developed the game, but I'm quite glad that I did, as not only are some of those magic combat damage bugs fixed, but I can also enjoy full in-game 3d acceleration on a recent computer. Last year, when I'd replayed MM7, I was dismayed to discover that I could not run the game with 3d acceleration enabled, and I scoured the Usenet archives through Google in search of a remedy, but everyone seemed to think that it simply wasn't possible, so I played through it in software mode. Until now, as I replay MM8, I was expecting to have to resort to that fallback configuration, too, until I discovered Mok's excellent patch! It's very cool to see a fan so dedicated to a discontinued series of computer games that he'll take the time to program and freely release updates that render the programs playable and optimized on computer systems that are much more technologically advanced than were those in existence during 1999. Thanks a lot, Mok!

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