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Why do people say Archers are good?
06/25/2018, 23:20:38

    Istrebitel writes:

    I've played these games countless of times, and as for MM7, I always preferred SSSS for dark and KKKC for light side. I've read recently that people say AAAA is a cool party or that Archer is great with a bow is great because he can get pretty low attack rates with it when you get to light side buffs and attack faster since his attack speed is not capped.

    I tried playing it and I'm not seeing the point. Now I've actually thought it makes even less sense.

    100 is the default recovery for bows and you can get -25 from haste, -13 from boosting your speed to 150, and then your skill gives you direct bonus. GM 10 will have about 52 and GM 20 will have about 42 recovery. It will take another 255 skill points to get to 32 recovery or 318 to get to 30 recovery.

    A knight has a default recovery of 90 (assuming swords) and you get 2x recovery for armsmaster point and 1x for sword point. GM 10 armsmaster is already going to have 32 recovery even w/o a point in sword skill!

    Does it all hinge on getting a bow of darkness / swiftness on every archer? How do you do it then without save/loading at a mob or shop? Is it actually possible to expect to get it normally in a game? I don't think I'm seeing "Darkness" or "Swiftness" very frequently, if anything they're really INfrequent.

    And even if you eventually get a bow firing faster than 30, does it make any difference when every monster in the game can be attacked in melee, in which case knights just own with way higher damage dealt and tanked?

    Btw, while on topic of archers, if using solo / duo / 4x archers, meaning no priest or sorcerer in party, why do people go for light side? Doesn't dark side with Reanimation and Vampiric enchant work better on solo archer? Or is Dispel Magic that crucial?

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I'm looking forward to hearing from people who've played these parties, but I'm wondering...
06/28/2018, 09:32:25

    Bones writes:

    ... if the favoring of Archers has to do with a gamer's preference for real-time vs turn-based combat. IIRC, your party can easily evade ranged damage in RT mode, and that would give Archers and spell casters an edge.

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It would, but this edge doesn't really pay off in any way when compared to KKKC
06/28/2018, 10:42:21

    Istrebitel writes:

    Yeah but like, there's no point taking KKKK over KKKC since one C boosts K's damage more than 1/3rd of the way up. And if you have KKKC you don't really care to evade damage as you can easily tank it with Regeneration and, if needed, Shared Life.

    AAAC just seems to be inferior in all sense to KKKC.

    I mean, GM Prot from Magic really is the balance breaker here. If only it didn't exist, or didn't need GM to counter instant death, or you could get GM level from scrolls or hireable NPC, or you could use Raise Dead to replace Paralyzed condition with Zombie condition, that would change everything. But since you must take either a C or multiple S with you to counter instant death (S using Lloyd to go back to temple and return) that means you have to have a C in a physical damage party, and in that case, you don't really have to evade attacks when you have Ks...

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I find ONE archer very useful, but I wouldn't want a full party of them.
07/10/2018, 12:30:02

    Peter2 writes:

    To explain – the archer is the only character with access to the mirrored path magics who also has any ability to disarm traps. He's also a bit tougher than when the rest of the party consists of a cleric and two sorcerors.

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