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KKC and...
12/30/2015, 17:46:14

    Jack1 writes:

    ok. My AAAC is not my playstyle. Enough said.

    I want go KKC and ....K or P?

    How viable is C in KKKC party?

    Will i need P support in case C goes dead / unconscious?

    I can live without tp and lb as my solo lich in mm8 has it all and now i want sth different.

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You might not enjoy that.
12/31/2015, 07:12:00

    Peter2 writes:

    You can get back and forth between Harmondale and Eeofol once the portal in Eeofol has been opened, but IIRC there is no route to and from Nighon without going through one of the Connecting Tunnels. I don't remember any coach or boat.

    I don't know about you, but after I'd solved the tunnels the first time, I really didn't want to have to do it again. It was easy to get lost, and it took a lot of time. The getting lost is solvable by learning it, but the time is takes is not going to decrease more than marginally.

    You might enjoy the prospect, but I found that I really did need somebody with Town Portal. The second time I played the game, I cursed when I realised that I had failed to drink from the fountain after my first trip to Nighon, so that my visit had not registered, and I had to go through the tunnel a second time.

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That's right
12/31/2015, 17:32:30

    Ossie writes:

    If you don't have TP, no way to get to Nighon without moving through the Connecting Tunnels again. If you know the way through the Tunnels, I guess it's not all *that* long, but it's long enough.

    Off the top of my head, it MAY be possible to do everything you want in Nighon in one visit, then go into the Eeofol tunnel & portal back from Eeofol, and not have to visit Nighon again. But your party needs to be pretty advanced for the Maze (and *really* advanced if you want to clear everything on the map & take on the Megadragon). So you'd be leaving Nighon until quite late.

    If you want TP without taking a Sorceror, Archer and Druid can both get Water Magic to Master level. Druid could also be your backup healer, although to answer your question I've played the game with a single Cleric as healer many times. Ypu just need scrolls/potions for the times your Cleric goes down. And ALWAYS keep Regeneration active!

    Of course, you could also just hire a Gate Master every time you wanted to get back to Nighon

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I don't think it's doable to complete all your tasks in Nighon in one visit.
01/01/2016, 06:14:18

    Peter2 writes:

    For one thing, the only way to get to Eeofol the first time is via the connecting tunnels under Mount Thunderfist, which is in Nighon.

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you are right
01/01/2016, 09:27:44

    Jack1 writes:

    So Gatemaster could be a "solution" to this problem. Scholar + gatemaster.

    besides the last time i played it was KTPA /i finished the game with them, it was a really nice balanced party for me/ so i really want to try something different.

    I dont play for high score. I just want something different and maybe more of a challenge.

    besides i always get TP and LB and fly so want to try a different angle. 4 x sorcerer in mm6, solo lich in mm8 atm.

    i tried AAAC but it just was not my style. Although my friend showed my these guys late game and they r awesome but it is a matter of getting there.

    so we figured out we will take different routs now. Crazy u might say. So im doing KKKC and he is going PPPP one P all body second all spirit 3rd 4th all GM mace.

    I will post my progress in this thread. I know its not optimal but since it is so different i already start enjoing it which is what it should be about. Just as i love my solo lich.

    When done with KKKC i will try SSSS or SSSC maybe

    Scholar and gatemaster can actually be all the time as learning doesnt make much of a difference in mm7. I used to have scholar and instructor in KTPA and these guys didnt make much of a difference.

    Armsmaster could be good for KKKC but only +3 to armsmaster will not make much of a difference regarding maxed GM light buffs.

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Errr - yes, so........
01/05/2016, 05:23:36

    Ossie writes:

    you could conceivably go through Connecting Tunnels from under Stone City to Nighon, complete Nighon, back into Connecting Tunnels to the Tunnels to Eeofol, into Eeoful, back to Harmondale with the portal, and not have to visit Nighon again.

    Not sure how your comment would prohibit this - or am I missing something? Not that I'd do it, but it's possible, no?

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Just that I count a visit to the tunnels under Thunderfist the same as a trip to Nighon. One's above ground, the other's underground. But it's the . . .
01/05/2016, 15:07:14

    Peter2 writes:

    . . . same set of tunnels, so I rate that as a distinction without an essential difference.

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01/06/2016, 04:57:38

    Ossie writes:

    You definitely have to visit the tunnels under Nighon twice (unless you don't want to visit the Nighon map at all, I guess!).

    But assuming you want to visit Nighon at all, you have to visit the tunnels at least twice anyway, even if you have TP access to Nighon. In terms of the original issue - having to go back through the Connecting Tunnels to get to Nighon again if you don't have TP - it would be possible to avoid by only visiting Nighon the once.

    But it's more fun with TP!

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Not only is it more fun, but . . .
01/06/2016, 05:54:52

    Peter2 writes:

    . . . when playing the game, I found it an absolute Godsend for my party to be able to trade at shops open during the night, and it was a lot easier to reach the shops in Nighon than those in The Pit.

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