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What monsters will there be?
06/17/2012, 11:51:42

    Busted85 writes:

    What determines which creatures will be spawned when a map is loaded for the first time. Is it completely random or are things like character levels, statistics, etc factored in?

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It's part predetermined and part random, but party level plays no part.
06/18/2012, 06:07:49

    Peter2 writes:

    Any one type of monster has its own specific number of hit points and its own specified attack (or range of attacks), but how often it uses those attacks and the damage it does is determined by a whole slew of random number generators each generating its own "dice roll". So within the limits of the dice rolls, that process is completely random. For example, a troglodyte drone always has 35 hit points, always attacks as a level 9 monster, and does a physical attack nominally doing 2d4 damage if it hits you. ("Nominally" because it can be modified by your armour and defences, of course.)

    Similarly, when an area spawns, the monsters are selected from the list assigned to that area and they will be dropped in specific locations, but the game engine will set upper and lower limits to the possible number of of each type of monster.

    This can be seen most clearly in MM6, in a room in the extreme east of Goblinwatch Keep. Your party enters this room from the south and leaves via the north. It is shaped like an oblong with a wide alcove in each of the east and west walls, and in the east alcove are 4 chests. The room is empty when you enter. but opening one of the chests generates some monsters (goblins, I think) behind you. IIRC the lowest number I've had to face is 2, and the highest was 5 or 6. They may be of any type, but there is almost always one and usually more than one of the higher goblin types, the Shamans and the Kings.

    The numbers and levels of the monsters are completely unaffected by the level and stats of your party. When you first reach Harmondale, you have to treat the goblins with a certain amount of respect. By the time Harmondale respawns (if you haven't finished the game and stopped playing before then), your party will be able to metaphorically kick the goblins out of the way.

    Does this help?

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