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Off topic: Game of Thrones
05/22/2012, 11:42:11

    The Elf Herself writes:

    Judging from the games using the Harry Potter franchise and the rumored writing of a Twilight game, I'd bet money that SOMEBODY will come up with a Game of Thrones game or series of games. The question is, what kind of game? Would it be a classic computer RPG, or would it be a strategy game like the Age of Mythology? My guess is an (ugh!) MMORPG, but I wouldn't rule out an MMO strategy game.
    It could be that MMO's have had their day. Since I refuse to subject myself to spotty-faced 15-year-old PK's, I don't really keep up with those trends.
    At any rate, I would hope to see a single-player RPG. Hmmm. maybe a hybrid? You start out as a Stark, Lannister, or perhaps even as Daenerys, build up your faction, fight off the other clans while watching your back against the Others. . . .
    Anyone else have other ideas? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Dear Elf, you're too late....
05/22/2012, 12:44:31

    Bones writes:

    The series has been a target for game development for a while. There is a free-to-play, browser-based MMO in the works. It looks very pretty. From what I've read, it has a fair amount of non-combat gameplay to compliment the battle action. That means that like most modern MMOs it will combine elements of RPGs, FPSs and strategy games

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