Original Message:   There might be, but I never explored the Dark Path game in the depth I went into the Light Path
I didn't find it nearly so interesting. The assault on The Pit with a Light Path party is in my opinion one of the finest battles in the whole Might & Magic canon. I didn't find tackling Celeste with a Dark Path party nearly as good.

Celeste always seemed to be a lot smaller than The Pit, although I think the difference is more in the complexity than the actual size. Possibly it's because of the fact you access the Breeding Zone from The Pit.

One thing I really did like about this game was the fact that, once you had Town Portal, you could always get to a set of shops that were open. It used to be a real pest in MM6 to finish clearing an area so that your party was loaded down with booty, and arrive outside the shops at 6:15 p.m. Golden Touch (after someone got the spell) went some way towards meeting this, but I used to find that it didn't work all the time.

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