Original Message:   I don't play multiplayer games.
I've tried a few, but I never really got on with them. I might try them again when I retire, but at present, I don't really have the time. These days, if I have a couple of days free I'll do a bit of gaming if the weather's bad, but then I'll have to break off for work and I may not get back to the game for 2-3 months. You can't play a multiplayer game like that.

I have a number of games lined up that I've been waiting to play for years, but I have not started them because I cannot allocate enough time. I have to to remember where I am in a game and what my plan is. I want to play BDJ's MM7 mod, the Chaos Conspiracy, MM2, and the Legend of Grimrock. I have them all, but I haven't started any of them.

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